

How to be More Acttractive to Women

One of the most common problem guys have when it comes with approaching women is that they feel unattractive. This means they have a very lack of confidence of themselves.

They just think that they're too short, not good looking, poor, shy, too fat, too thin and any negative thing which is obviously are gonna destroy your attraction.

Attractiveness is actually divided into two categories those are the outside and the inside. The outside attractiveness is usually people who have material based thing like cars, houses, fame, good looking something like that. The inside attractiveness is the power that you have inside of you that is the confident of being yourself.

Most guys think that all women are looking for a guy who has this outside attractiveness when the reality is very opposite. Of course women love guys who have brighter financial but that just the second nature. The ugly truth is they don't really want it.

So how do you become more attractive? well, we're going to discuss a little bit more about what's inside your mind. What are you thinking when you start to approaching women. As I mentioned that outside attractiveness is optional, what you really want to have is the power inside of you.

What kind of power that you really need to build? It's a Confidence. There are lots of sources out there talking about how to be confidence with women but as for the bullet point I want to give you the best of them.

The first one is you cannot be afraid to fail. When it comes with women, that means that you have to get rejected sometimes. Remember that nobody in the world can win over every single girl. The more you get rejected the more confident you become. The problem is most guys when they get rejected they can't handle it mentally. Turn out they just give up. This kind of thing that you need to get rid of. Basically get rejected is better than not taking action at all.

The Second way on how to have strong confident is be polarizing. Don't be afraid to be 100% of yourself. What I mean is that you have to be yourself like totally and don't apologize to anybody for it. Whatever hobby you like or whatever jokes you'd like to make don't be afraid to express that to everybody around you especially to women.

The third one is do whatever you want to do and enjoy it. Be careless about society. Don't worry about the people that have a different point of you.

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