I know that a lot of guys especially when they just starting out to attract women, it just seem too awkward and really don't have anything going on in their mind about what goes next or what to say after this.
Impressing a girl is the best way to break the nervous that going on inside your body as well as build your confident level. By that I mean When the first time approach her if you can impress her by making her smiling at you it'll make the situation less awkward.
Impression to a girl is not really like doing magic trick or breaking things so that she can called you a superman, Impression is about how confident you are when you talk to her.
Impression to a girl is not really like doing magic trick or breaking things so that she can called you a superman, Impression is about how confident you are when you talk to her.
The point is you're going to show her that you're a comfortable person.
Impressing women is actually all about doing a lack of insecurity things. Women can tell that you're insecure person by the way you talking to her. Also the negative body language like look down or moving your body too much can make her think that you're not confident.
The best way to avoid those things is by being relax and laid back so that you can careless about what she thinks about you. I know it may sound too obvious but that's really the fact. A guy who can control their emotion and confident when they talking to a girl is usually have more potential success when it comes with attracting women. Why? Because they won't take it serious or like it's not a big deal to whether or not she likes you instead they think of it like having fun and when you're having fun you unconsciously give her a positive energy that you're a confident person.
The best way to avoid those things is by being relax and laid back so that you can careless about what she thinks about you. I know it may sound too obvious but that's really the fact. A guy who can control their emotion and confident when they talking to a girl is usually have more potential success when it comes with attracting women. Why? Because they won't take it serious or like it's not a big deal to whether or not she likes you instead they think of it like having fun and when you're having fun you unconsciously give her a positive energy that you're a confident person.
Practice It!
I dare you to trying to approach at least 5 women a day.
The more your practice the more confident you become. :D
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