

The Best Way to Attract Women

how to attract women
Are you the kind of guy who just get nervous when standing right next to hot woman? Or you just saw your dream girl and doing nothing about it? well don't worry, right on this page you're going to learn about the best way to attract women.

It's a fact that most guys fear and have no ability when it comes with approaching women. They just don't know what to do in the moment when they see their dream girl standing right next to them.

You need to know that attracting women is a skill. If you don't know anything about any attraction technique, it may seem a bit hard to get a girl you want.

Don't worry, this page will walk you through the easiest way to approach women.

It's not complicated actually just learn and do it.

As for the introduction, I'd like to talk about the first step that you need to know about attracting women. How do you do it? well it's pretty obvious just be yourself. By that I mean you have to be as confident as you are supposed to be. You can assume it like when you talking to women, just pretend that you're talking to your best friend in the world.
A lot of guys find excuses when it comes to attracting women. Most guys won't approach instead they reject themselves before they even give a woman chance that possibly reject them. You have to fight against your fear for goodness sake.

Here is a little trick you can do, think of it like it's highly reward and no risk situation. Meaning that if she rejects you, It's perfectly fine your life's not gonna be ruined and as for the reward for turn her on, you can get her number or even date with her. It's a win-win situation.

From now on you can practice to approach at least 5 women everyday, start off with women that you're not attracted to and then go to women that you are very attracted to. Trust me, you're gonna get the true power of confidence by doing that. It's really that simple.

Don't Affraid of Rejection

"Mistake that a lot of guys make is affraid of rejection. Force yourself to be more confident."

I know it's really awkward when the first time you approach girl which is gonna lead you to uncomfortable body language that girls can tell. Weakness and all the needy things can destroy your attraction.

For example, when you talk to a girl, stop moving your body or hands too much. At some point when you get really nervous, you can put your hands inside of your pocket I don't really recommend you to do it very often though because it means weakness. Another thing is look her in the eye while you're talking don't look down or other side. Just give her a strong eye contact.

Also, don't stand and face the girl straightly, instead you want to tilt yourself 45 degrees towards the person you're talking to. The reason is because when you stand straight towards the girl, you unconsciously tell her that you're needy guy.

Stand Confident

"When you talk to a girl, look her in the eye and don't look down. It means weakness. Also tilt yourself 45 degrees towards the person you're talking to."

Get Her Attention

Now that you've got all the power of self confidence, the next step is trying to get her attention. This is at least the most important one, because there is no way you can get a girl without getting her attention first. What I mean by that is You have to make sure that you have something in yourself that will make the girls attracted to you.

There are lots of different ways to get women's attention but the most powerful one which is the 'trigger' to get into her love center is by doing a good conversation with her. Trust me, there is no such a good way than that. No matter how good looking you are if you have no ability to talk, you'll lose her.
Before we dig deeper on how to talk with a girl, let me tell you the recipe which is gonna lead you to some rule, First Impression.

First Impression

It's all about first impression. The second chance is a myth. You'll show your best attraction when your first meet her. However you don't want to be too needy.

The Pick Up Lines Technique

That might sound too classic and obvious for women because they've heard so many guys trying to get her attention by doing some pick up lines. It can be really effective though if you know how to use the lines and when. I'm telling you to use the pick up lines only if you're pro because you'll turn her off if you don't use it correctly.

That's not the point though. It's Ok to get rejected when you're trying to get girls attention. The more you do that, the more experiences you have and you also increasing your confident level.

Accept The Rejection

Remember that somehow you'll get rejected by a girl. It's Perfectly fine. You'll get so much experiences through the rejection that you got.

Eye Contact

When you talking to a girl, it's important to hold strong your eye contact with her. This is the most powerful trigger to turn girls on. The reason why is because your eye contact tells her how comfortable you are.

If your eyes are darting around the room or somewhere else while you talking to her, She is more likely to think that you're an insecure person or that you're very nervous. But, If you're looking into her eye the whole time, she's gonna thing that you're a confident person.

You see, when the first time you use eye contact with a girl, It might come off a little bit weird. But as with everything in pick up, remember the rule, You need to fail before you succeed.

Eye contact doesn't mean that just staring at her down, You need to close the gap between the two of you as well. In a day time, you don't need to get close each other, two or three feet away is fine. But at the night, you need to get as close as you possibly can.

However, staring at her for a long time can be creepy. If you have to turn around or look away for any reason, don't you ever look down or move your head too much. This means weakness and insecurity. Instead look up or to the side as if you're trying to remember something.

The Persistence Technique

The persistence techniques is the moment when you two are having a good time, you made her laugh and you already succeed to turn her on, but then she is just like walking away for some reason and you didn't get a chance to get her number, it's time for you to persist.

Women do this a lot because of several reasons.

1) She might feel like she is shy in front of her friends by flirting with random guy that she just met.

2) Because society tells her that these situations are awkward.

3) She is getting a bounce of emotions in her that you bringing up mostly positive that she doesn't now how to control.

Persistence is the most powerful way to bring you closest to her emotional brain. And women do like a guy who is persist.

How does persistent work?

Well, let say you're having a good time with her and she's just like "oh, you're so hilarious but I gotta go catch my friends.. " That's the time when you have to stop her by saying like "No wait, stop.. I'm wanna talk to you one minute, sixty second is not gonna kill you.. ".

When you do persistent you're going to look like a boss and confident person.

You see, a lot of guys give up as soon as they figure out that the girl has one tiny bit of hesitancy. And women don't really like a guy who just give up right away. That's why you need persistent to showing her that you're not like those guys.

If She's Still Smilling, Keep Going!
Remember, If she's still smiling you're good to keep going.

By the time she walks away, that's when you have to persist. Just stop them and tell them that you really want her. She'll give you a good respond for that.

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